T3 COHESA One Health Malawi Content V2 Annex 6 19.06.2023 Delia Grace
T3 COHESA One Health Malawi Content V2 Annex 6
Delia Grace
One Health Content Note (Draft)
Table of Contents
On-Line One Health Training Notes
There are three main sources for on-line One Health content:
- Commercial platforms often charging a modest fee
for a certificate – good for soft skills (management, communication etc),
moderate for pre-requisites (virology, statistics etc), weak for southern OH.
- Organisations often providing for free,
sometimes a certificate – good for One Health, not adapted COHESA needs.
- Universities often providing distance or blended
Masters – strong on OH especially zoonoses, weaker on food systems and
Commercial Platforms
- certificate,
mastertrack certificate, degree fee, manyuniversities,
free classes, institutional. Specializations US$39-79 per month. CourseraPlus
most specializations $399 pa. JH
- certificate,
some health. Short courses (2-4 weeks pay for cert) $280
- unlimited short
course with cert for one year
- ExpertTracks
2-6 months $39 per month
- Microcredentials $1,000
- soft
skills, many courses, some health, certificate $26.99 pm.
- 40,000
courses, creative & life skills, $168 a year
- some
research, certificate, can become training assistant
- entertaining,
famous teachers, no free classes, more forrecreational
purposes $15 pm
- nanodegrees,
computing, some stats
- degrees,
education, business
Modalities of commercial platform content provision
- Individual courses:
There are 1-off classes about a certain topic. The time to complete one will
vary depending on the course, but it can take from 2 or 3 weeks to a couple of
months. These are the nuclear basis of every other type of course.
- Course bundles:
Several online learning platforms will offer a collection of courses about a
certain topic. They will give you a deep understanding of a field (e.g. data
analyst, Python development, etc.). They are called Specializations,
Nanodegrees or Learning Paths by the different platforms.
- Bachelor’s Degrees:
It’s also possible to earn a traditional bachelor’s degree (at edX or
Coursera). As these platforms partner with universities, you’ll receive an
official university diploma. Be aware that this won’t be cheap, these start at
$15,000 per program.
- Master’s Degrees:
Similarly, to bachelor’s degrees, it’s also possible to study for a master’s
degree at edX and Coursera.
- Multi-platform Bundles:
and match from curated courses to obtain a UP/UoG validated OH certificate
World Health Organisation
World Organisation for Animal Health (founded as
One Health Commission
Open University – free courses, cert of
Resilience Hub Southern Africa, Stellenbosch
Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi
Projects – high cost, low sustainability, variable quality,
Resources required for developing on-line learning
One hour of distance learning materials 90-240
hours on average (Kapp & Defilice).
Chapman Alliance (2010) an hour of eLearning
costs ~$10,000 to produce
Linkedin (2020) – ADDIE model for one hour video
- Analysis (audience, competition, marketing) – 35
hours, $2,000
- Design (lecture, ID, graphics) – 160 hours - $2,800
- Developing (write, shoot, edit) -120 hours
- Implement (upload, monitor, manage) – 100 hours
- $3,000
- Evaluate
- Overall $8,000 to $36,000
- 150 hours, 22,000 USD
- Upwork reduces costs
- www.onlinestudies.com
International experts:
ILRI experience
- Time for preparing 5 day course: 10 days: = $5,000
- Time, accommodation, per diem to deliver 5 day
course: = $3,000 + $5,000
- 20 participants accommodation per diem= $4,000
- Materials, practical’s, travel, miscellaneous,
admin, coms= $3,000
- Total=$20,000
CIRAD experience
- With EboSursy project we have organized two
« OH » trainings with 30 participants (Africa) and three
modules in parallel (disease ecology, Molecular biology Epidemiology),
international teachers/experts (OIE, IRD, Cirad, IP, local experts) ->
budget well above 20 000/course
University experts
Credits to qualifications
- Scottish – 10 hours is 1 credit; one short
course, 3 months, 15 credits; PgCert – 60 credits (4 courses); PgDip – 120
credits; MSc 180 credits including 60 for project – part time can work 15-30
per term, full time 45 credits per term
- UoG GBP 1,500 per 30 credits
MOOCs are primarily a complementary asset for learners
already within existing systems (Reich & Ruipérez-Valiente 2019)
Micro-credentials are an emerging area. Since 2016,
micro-credentials have expanded to encompass many types of short courses such
- Short courses on-site or online (often called MOOCs) or
- Boot camps – short intensive learning experiences, often
associated with information technology or entrepreneurship opportunities,
- Digital badges earned for achievement or participation in
short learning events, and
- Licences and certifications.
Listing of OH Capacitating Training (Draft)
- Consortium: ILRI, CIRAD, ISAAA
- Countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi,
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana
- Deep dive countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique,
- Expert role: Pretoria
One Health Future
Workforce trainings relevant to Africa
Desk Study OH Future Workforce-
presented OHRECA/COHESA meeting Friday 6th May 2022
African University OH specific
- 7 MSc courses: UZ, SUA, UGHE, UNC
- Many relevant to OH- wildlife, epidemiology,
global health, public health
HIC countries university training
- 8 EU, 16 America
- 10 Most mentioned: 6 Copenhagen, FUB, OIE, STPH,
Academia & NGO & IGO
- Dozens – many with material and basic courses
- Dozens: Platforms, Task forces, clubs
Projects & Initiatives
Schools/vocational/associations/clinics etc
Issues/challenges with the thousands of OH capacitating
- Lots going on – buzzing, blooming, confusion
- Few syntheses, directories (OHRECA, GIZ, some
- Little information on impacts, sustainability, scale,
Relevant papers:
- AFROHUN modules (https://afrohun.org/course/onehealthmodules/)
- HORN modules –
attached slides provide an outline of training materials available through
HORN. Masterclass materials are also available here: https://onehealthhorn-masterclass.net/login/index.php. Some of this will be relevant to the short
course preparation.
- HORN survey – attached
questionnaire was distributed as part of HORN. Findings are being written
up at the moment and may include information relevant for COHESA, in
particular for Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda.
Africa MSc in OH
Addis Ababa and MUST
The Norhed 2 program (One Health | UiT), and the aim is basically to set up OH masters and PhD-programs in Ethiopia and Malawi (University of Addis Ababa and Malawi University of Science and Technology).
Pillar 1 – One Health Curriculum development
- The curriculum will be designed around key One Health framework and implement in AAU and MUST
Pillar 2 – Capacity building for the staffs and students of AAU and MUST
- One Health Master's program (40 students - home-based and south-south mobility).
- One Health PhD program (7 students - home-based and south-north mobility).
- Postdoc (3 - home-based and south-north mobility).
- Sheard term training for laboratory technicians
- Short term project management training.
- Short term financial and administrative capacity training.
Pillar 3 – Implementation One Health research in Addis Ababa and Blantyre
Pretoria University
Global North OH Training
10 Eu institutions with most mentions OH in publications 2016
Subsequently: University of Glasgow; University of Thessaly
The Center for International Health (CIH-LMU) is located at the hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), Germany and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The goal of the OH-TARGET (One Health Training And Research Global NETwork) project is to improve health conditions worldwide by understanding the structural health problems caused by the living environment and by developing context-specific solutions in a holistic and participatory approach to development cooperation. The OH-TARGET project works with veterinarians, social scientists and geoscientists, both from the LMU and from partner universities in nine countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Its many initiatives include:
Blended Course :
GLOBAL ONE HEALTH: towards Human, Animal and Plant Health 2023
Full scholarships available !
Covid-19 crisis, climate change effects, the collapse of biodiversity…All are related and affect health of human, animals, plants and the environment. It is more than time to adopt a Global One Health approach !
Would you like to learn how?
Register now to our blended short course “GLOBAL ONE HEALTH: towards Human, Animal and Plant Health 2023”. Partly online and in Kenya, you will join an international community of practitioners and learn together from multiple experiences.
Don’t wait and register now!
Learn More: https://bit.ly/3YufdLt
North America – Undergraduate and Masters and PhD
- Berry College
- Duke
- Ohio State University
- U Alaska Fairbanks
- U Arizona
- U Calgary
- U C Davis
- U Florida
- U Guelph
- U Saskatoon
- U Washington
- Westminster College, Missouri
Certificate in OH
- Ross university
- University of Arizona
- Auburn University School of Forestry
Summer/ short courses
- U Calgary
- U Copenhagen
- U Basle
On-line courses OH
- Boston University – Free on-line course- one hour
- JITO OH: Forty-four experts from 22 institutions of the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia developed content for collaborative online international learning principles and is addressed to graduate students of universities from Brazil, Germany, Mozambique, and Kosovo.
Many others offer minors or courses in One Health
Academic courses in N America 2016 based on OH but not explicitly using OH in the title doi.org/10.3402/iee.v6.33680
OH Courses for Other Stakeholders
Children’s courses in OH
BVA School Ambassador
Institutions Involved in OH
Academic courses in N America 2016 based on OH (not explicitly using OH in the title)
Academic Organizations Working for One Health
- Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN, formerly OHCEA)
- Auburn University One Health
- Berry College Center for One Health
- Calvin Schwabe, U California, Davis, CA
- Cambridge University One Health Society (CUOHS)
- Center for Animal and Human Health in Appalachia (CAHA)
- Center for Applied One Health Research and Policy (OHRP)
- Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, U Iowa
- Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART)
- Center for One Health Illinois
- Center for One Health, Fontbonne U
- Center for One Health Research (COHR-Alaska), University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Center for One Health Research (COHR-Washington), University of Washington
- Chinese One Health Center for Tropical Disease Research
- Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) One Health Alliance (COHA)
- Delaware Valley University One Health Working Group (See also tinyurl.com/1cn8we1o )
- Duke Comparative Oncology Group
- Duke Kunshan University-China (DKU)
- Duke One Health
- Forschungskolleg (Research College) 'One Health and Urban Transformation', Germany
- Georgetown University Medical Center
- Global Health Institute, U Wisconsin-Madison
- Global One Health Initiative, U Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
- Global One Health Initiative, Ohio State University
- Health for Animals Livelihood Improvement (HALI)
- Health and Livelihoods Group (HEAL)
- Helsinki One Health (HOH), Finland
- Initiative for One Health and the Environment, University of Maine
- Institute for Global Health, Michigan State U
- Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH)
- Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine (ISU-CVM)
- Lancet One Health Commission, Northern Secretariat, U Oslo, Norway
- Lancet One Health Commission, Southern Secretariat, Kumasi, Ghana
- Medical Virology Tygerberg
- Midwestern University One Health Center
- Nebraska One Health and One Health Lab Group
- Netherlands Center for One Health Research
- One Health Aotearoa, New Zealand
- One Health Azerbaijan, Khazar University
- One Health Center of Excellence for Research & Training, Guangzhou, China
- One Health Center of Excellence, University of Florida, USA
- One Health Central and East Africa (OHCEA) - Now AFROHUN
- One Health Club of Cholistan U, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pakistan
- One Health Colombia
- One Health Cymru, Wales, UK
- One Health Institute, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
- One Health Institute, Colorado State University
- One Health Institute- University of California, Davis
- One Health Institute - University of Guelph
- One Health at Cornell University, New York
- One Health at Kansas State U
- One Health at Massey University, New Zealand
- One Health MX (Mexico)
- One Health at Purdue CVM
- One Health Sweden
- One Health at the University of Calgary
- One Health at The University of Georgia
- One Health Research Group, James Cook University, Australia
- One Health University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- One Health Workforce (U Minnesota / USAID)
- Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia
- Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
- Royal Veterinary College of London, One Health Poultry Hub
- South Africa Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS), Foundation for One Health
- South Dakota One Health, U South Dakota School of Medicine
- South East Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN)
- Cambodia One Health University Network (CAMBOHUN)
- Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN)
- Laos One Health University Network (LAOHUN)
- Malaysia One Health University Network (MOHUN)
- Myanmar One Health University Network (MMOHUN)
- Philippine One Health University Network (PHILOHUN)
- Thailand One Health University Network (THOHUN)
- Vietnam One Health University Network (VOHUN)
- Texas A&M University Global One Health
- The LANCET One Health Commission, (U Oslo)
- Tufts University Clinical and Translational Science One Health Program
- UKRI One Health Poultry Hub
- UNA Europa One Health
- University of Arizona One Health Consortium
- University of Glasgow One Health
- University of Maine, Initiative for One Health and the Environment
- University of Missouri School of Medicine One Health Biorepository
- University of Pretoria Centre for Viral Zoonoses (UP CVZ)
- University of Tennessee One Health Initiative
- University of Utrecht - One Health
- University of the West Indies, One Health, One Caribbean, One Love Project
- Utah State University One Health
- Veterinary One Health Association, Cornell U College Vet Med
- Zoo New England One Health Program
- Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems (ZELS)
Non-Profit &/or Coalition Organizations working for One Health
- Afghan One Health Hub, OH Network S. Asia (U Massey)
- Afrique-One ASPIRE
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
- Artemis One Health Research Foundation
- Asclepius One Health
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC)
- Belgium One Health Network (BEOH)
- BioNexus KC (Formerly Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute)
- Brazilian Field Epidemiology Professionals Association (ProEpi)
- Canadian Foundation for Animal-Assisted Support Services (CFAS)
- Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)
- Chatham House Centre Global Health Security (CGHS)
- Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO)
- Connecticut Global One Health Coalition
- Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance (CORDS)
- Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH, Uganda)
- Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
- Disease Control Tools (DISCONTOOLS)
- Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa- STEPS Center, UK
- EcoHealth Alliance
- EcoHealth International
- Ending Pandemics and its PODD program
- EnviroVet (Finland)
- Epizone
- Federation of European Microbiological Societies
- Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)
- Foundazione Edmund Mach (FEM)
- Georgia Aquarium
- Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC)
- Global Early Warning System for Health Threats/Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interface (GLEWS+)
- GREASE - Management of Emerging Risks in SouthEast Asia
- Health & Ecosystems: Analysis of Linkages (HEAL, Evolved into the Planetary Health Alliance)
- Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
- Institute for Conservation Medicine (ICM)
- Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH)
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) One Health Research, Education and Outreach Center for Africa (OHRECA)
- See the One Health Directory for Sub-Saharan Africa created by ILRI
- International One Health Platform Foundation
- International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID)
- International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA) ISOHA Facebook
- International Veterinary Student Assocation (IVSA) Standing Committee on One Health (SCOH)
- Iowa One Health
- Kibale EcoHealth Project
- Kyeema Foundation
- LANCET One Health Research Coalition
- Louisiana One Health in Action
- Mekong Basin One Health Disease Surveillance Network (MBDS)
- MRIGlobal (formerly Midwestern Research Institute)
- NASEM Forum on Microbial Threats One Health Action Collaborative
- National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)
- National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education, Iowa State (NIAMRRE)
- National Link Coalition
- Nepal One Health Hub
- Netherlands Center for One Health
- Network for EcoHealth and One Health (NEOH, Formerly Network for Evaluation of One Health) Fact Sheet
- North Carolina One Health Collaborative
- One Health Academy
- One Health Alliance of South Asia (OHASA)
- One Health Bangladesh
- One Health Catalyst
- One Health Commission
- One Health European Joint Project (OHEJP)
- One Health Delaware
- One Health and Development Initiative, Nigeria (OHDI)
- One Health Finland
- One Health Foundation - Scotland
- One Health Hub Pakistan
- One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (OH4HEAL)
- One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team (OHI)
- One Health Latino America, Ibero and the Caribbean Coalition (OHLAIC, open in Chrome for translation)
- One Health Lessons
- One Health Nepal
- One Health Network South Asia (OHSA)
- One Health Network South East Asia (OHSEA)
- One Health Nigeria
- One Health, One Caribbean, One Love, Project
- One Health Organization - Ohio
- One Health Phillipines
- One Health Regional Network for the Horn of Africa (HORN)
- One Health Research Foundation
- One Health Romania
- One Health Sweden
- OneHealth Water
- One Sustainable Health, Ballukian Foundation
- One Water, One Health
- OneWelfare
- Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness and One Health
- Pak One Health Alliance (POHA)
- ProMED-mail / Intl Society for Infectious Diseases
- Puccini Foundation for Comparative Oncology
- Sri Lanka One Health Hub
- St Louis Zoo Inst for Conservation Medicine (ICM)
- South African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS)
- Southwest (US) One Health Collaborative
- Swiss TPH Tropical and Public Health Institutes
- TGen One Health Collaborative
- Turkish Society of Microbiology (TMC) One Health Working Group
- United Kingdom Research / Innovation (UKRI) One Health Poultry Club
- U.S. Animal Health Association (USAHA)
- Veterinarians Without Borders (VWB/VSF)
- Vietnam One Health Partnership for Zoonoses
- World Medical Association
- World Small Animal Veterinary Association One Health Committee (WSAVA)
- World Veterinary Association
- Zoobiquity
- Zoo New England
Post-Graduate Training in One Health - Update
Addis Ababa University
Jimma University
Jigijiga University
Bule Hora University
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