T3 DAHLD One Health Malawi Concept 18.01.2023 Catherine Wood
T3 DAHLD One Health Malawi Concept
Catherine Wood
The time we live is characterized by
an unprecedented increase in the emergence of new health threats in humans,
animals and in the environment. Underlying this “new dynamic” of shared risk
are five key “drivers” that converge at the “human-animal-ecosystem” interface
namely; globalization, population growth, economic growth, food security and
changing habitats. The influence of the drivers is compounded by climate change
The impacts of climate change on human health are not limited to the
increase in average temperatures and the disrupted rainfall patterns. Climate
change is also the cause behind human and animal migration, the increased food
insecurity, the emergence and spread of vector-borne and waterborne infectious
diseases, and rises in allergens, air, water and food pollution [3,4]. Many infectious diseases, including COVID19,
Rift Valley fever (RVF), Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), chikungunya,
yellow fever, Ebola, Rabies, Salmonella, Cysticercosis, Tuberculosis, West Nile
virus and several of the severe arbovirus are transmitted from wildlife to
humans, and billions of people get sick and die from these viruses that are
essentially environmental viruses.
Protecting public health is primarily
centered on controlling and preventing the disease agents at source, thus at
the environmental level and the animal level, through the adoption of a One
Health approach [3-5].
One Health approach is also
instrumental in the fight against Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which is a
complex, multifaceted problem that threatens human and animal health, the
global economy, and national and global security [6]. The increase in emerging
human infectious diseases that have a zoonotic origin and the increasing
resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs have shown the need for
collaborations between the human, animal and environmental health sectors.
frightening report on AMR from the United Nations World Health Organization
(WHO) and other sister global health agencies warned on the rise of multi-drug
resistant (MDR) pathogens; with suggestions that drug-resistant infections
could cause 10 million deaths each year by 2050, result in disastrous economic
damage similar to the 2008– 2009 global financial crisis, and that by 2030,
antimicrobial resistance (AMR) could have forced up to 24 million people into
extreme poverty [7-9]. The One health concept increasingly receives recognition
from policy makers and researchers all over the world, Malawi inclusive [6-9].
One Health approach is
an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people,
animals and the environment. It is particularly important to prevent, predict,
detect, and respond to global health threats [10]. The approach mobilizes
multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to
work together.
This way, new and better ideas are developed that address root
causes and create long-term, sustainable solutions. One Health (OH) involves
the medics, veterinarians, public health experts and environmental sectors. The
One Health approach is particularly relevant for food and water safety,
nutrition, the control of zoonoses (diseases that can spread between animals
and humans, such as flu, rabies, tuberculosis, rift valley fever, e.t.c),
pollution management, and combatting antimicrobial resistance (the emergence of
microbes that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).
Many of the important
zoonoses relate to animals in the food production chain. Food, therefore,
becomes an important vehicle for a substantial number of these zoonotic
pathogens [11], and food safety and food security are major OH issues, as
clearly envisaged by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United
Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and World Health Organization (WHO) [12
– 14]. The OH approach holds promise in mitigating public health threats [15].
The approach has been embraced by WHO, FAO, World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE) and the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) as a strategy for
promoting the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working locally,
nationally and globally, to attain optimal health for people, animals and the
environment [15]. In the last 5 years, OIE, WHO and FAO have all increased
their interest and activities associated with wildlife disease surveillance in
recognition of the impact that these diseases can have on global trade, human
health and biodiversity [12 – 14].
Further, the UN Environmental Programme
(UNEP) call for prudent management of production activities to control the atmospheric levels of the three
main greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in order to
prevent climate change impacts [12 – 14].
Furthermore, the Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) carry out several duties
that contribute towards One Health. These include: inspection of animals before
slaughter (antemortem) and meat in abattoirs (postmortem); inspection of meat
in butcheries; destruction of condemned meat; disease surveillance; outbreak
investigation and control of zoonoses; control of vectors and
vermin such as rats, fleas, mosquitoes and monkeys; health education on
pertinent issues such as vaccination of dogs; and food safety including meat
and milk. EHPs also play an important role in prevention, detection and
abatement of microbial and chemical pollution of land, air and water sources
that have created new threats to the health of both animals and humans. EHPs
carry out house to house inspections on water, sanitation and hygiene hence
involved in abating nuisances at households that could pose a threat to public
health. Such threats could be emerging from the environment including animals
[12 – 14].
In recent years Malawi has reported occurrences of several
zoonoses in humans and animals like Tuberculosis, Rabies, Salmonellosis, RVF,
CCHF, Chikungunya, just to mention a few [16-20]. Kainga et al., [19],
demonstrated occurrence of rabies virus in humans, food animals, domesticated
dogs and wild animals, a typical health threat that requires OH approach to
manage the rabies problem.
The majority of the surveillance of zoonotic agents are
conducted at the abattoirs and slaughter slabs. Abattoirs, registered and non-registered slaughter points
are areas with several stakeholders working together for a common goal, to
prevent spilling over of zoonotic pathogens to humans. It was observed that
most of the people in Lilongwe prefer buying meat from unregistered areas like
Nathenje, Nanjiri, Njewa, Mitundu, Kanengo, and Magwero, e.t.c., because of
convenience and low prices. Similarly, this practice can be observed in all
districts in Malawi and the rest of the cities such as Mzuzu, Zomba and
Blantyre. However, the unregistered slaughter places lack experties and
facilities for food safety and hygiene, hence don`t have capacity to mitigate
zoonoses or prevent spilling over of infectious agents to humans and
environment. Animal effluents and condemned parts are directed to the
environment untreated, subsequently distracting environmental health through
contamination of drug residues, microbes, dirty water and body fluids.
known stakeholders at an abattoir are officers from City assembly public health
department, Ministry of Health Public health department, and Department of
Animal Health and Livestock Development (DAHLD) under Ministry of Agriculture.
Unfortunately, among the stakeholders, it is only the DAHLD that has profound
knowledge and skills to carry out the assignment at an abattoir set up because
of the nature of veterinary training [21, 22].
Malawi is also experiencing threats of AMR in humans and
animals [21-27], although
the extent of AMR in environment remain speculative. Malawi
has unclear AMR surveillance in animals and the environment, despite having
less stringent regulations on accessing veterinary drugs [27,28]. For effective
surveillance of AMR and infectious diseases agents at the slaughter places and
abattoirs, there is need to improve capacity and competency of the all
Effective surveillance consequently shall help to achieve
environmental health. Further, the fight against AMR in humans can be supported
with concerted efforts to improve surveillance in livestock production from
point of veterinary drug dispensers as previously observed [23].
It is against
this back ground that the stakeholder in food safety and hygiene in Malawi
would like to adopt OH approach to address these challenges and improve health
of humans, animals and environment.
Scope of the Program
In order to comprehensively address the gaps in public health it is imperative to adopt OH approach to achieve holistic human-livestock-ecosystem health.
The main key areas to address are
- reduction of zoonotic diseases
- reduction of AMR
- capacity building of key stakeholders at all levels
In order to strengthen the surveillance systems in the country, it is recommended to improve research infrastructure at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) where there shall be refresher training for the stakeholders and harmonization of surveillance activities to be conducted by the stakeholders.
Further, DAHLD shall spearhead the mobilization of consumer materials and supplies for veterinary research, medical research and environmental experts. Furthermore, collaborators of LUANAR such as International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and University of Edinburgh shall facilitate organization of OH symposiums and workshops for sharing experiences and developing better strategies for improvements.
Goals of the Program
The One Health approach is an
innovative strategy to promote multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary application
of knowledge and skills of medical, public health, veterinary and environmental
experts by working together to attain good animal health, human health,
environmental health, access of safe and wholesome food, and reduced AMR
challenges in Malawi. To achieve this main goal, the program has
identified five key priority areas:
- Establish
and maintain high-level commitment at all relevant levels of government
and the key stakeholders including the private sector.
- Establish
and organize the awareness and documentation of mechanisms for operationalization of OH among stakeholders and the people in all areas of
- Upscale
the fight against AMR in human and animal production
- Step-up
the environmental protection and monitor health hazards from the
- Capacity
building of stakeholders and harmonization stakeholders` activities at all
relevant levels.
for the Program
One Health is a multi-sector and multidisciplinary approach which aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, ecosystems and the wider environment.
It mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems. And it addresses the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development.
There are five stakeholders to participate in the implementation of the program. Namely
- Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Forest and Natural resources
- International collaborators (ILRI and University of Edinburgh)
LUANAR - The Leading Institution
LUANAR is a public university which
is located within the central region and it has diverse expertise from
different faculties situated within the campus. LUANAR shall house the
Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Selected
roles that LUANAR shall provide include:
- Organizing the stakeholders in liaison with focal
persons in line ministries and institutions of the stakeholders
- Organize and facilitate awareness and sensitization of
the line ministries at high level
- Conduct training of frontline staff in surveillance of
foodborne zoonoses
- Conduct research in potential infectious agents
available in crops, animals, environment and humans
- Define the predisposing factors of established health
- Conduct backstop and supervision of activities by the
stake holders
- Conduct monitoring and evaluation activities and
provide consolidated progress reports quartery, semi- annual and annually.
- Certify and quantify mobilization of consumer
veterinary and medical supplies.
- Organise and facilitate dissemination meeting
- Liaise with international collaborators on areas that
require special attention in technology and innovation
- Include OH approach in LUANAR curricula in order
improve knowledge and skills of OH among students
- Initiate National OH hub which shall host laboratories,
postgraduate training in OH, metadata and specimen bank, metagenomics capacities
- Ensure
that the National OH hub is ready for emergency response with necessary
Biosafety Level 1, Biosafety Level 2 and Biosafety P3 laboratories that
would help to diagnose diseases in animals and control the threat at
source for safe public health and environmental health
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
DAHLD is a key department for surveillance of infectious agents across the meat value chain. DAHLD shall ensure that all slaughter places are regulated and conform with sanitary provisions.
DAHLD shall take a lead to
- Facilitate sensitization of health hazards among food producing farmers and front-line staff within the line ministry.
- Supervise the meat inspection activity (ante and post-mortems)
- Control livestock movement and improve livestock identification process
- Ensure slaughter of health animals with update health cards and properly certified fit for slaughter for the purpose of human consumption
- Control veterinary drug mobilization, access by farmers, and drug administration following the international regulation
- Provide vaccinations of food animals and non-food animals against zoonotic diseases
- Facilitate provision of equipment in Regional Veterinary laboratories and district laboratories
- Liaison with crop department, supervise the proper use of herbicides, insecticides, and proper observation of withdrawal periods
- Liaise with Department of Extension and LUANAR to develop an extension programme to disseminate agricultural research that fit in the OH approach
- Jointly with Pharmacy and Medicine Regulatory Authority (PMRA) inspect the veterinary drug dispensers for the availability of prescriptions presented by clients and removal of expired drugs. Also to ensure that AMR Stewardship is properly provided to the client
- Provide reports of any antimicrobial non responsive cases from the field
Ministry of Health
The ministry of health shall be responsible for the generation information that shall be used as basis for follow up and investigation.
Most importantly
- It shall be responsible for the awareness of the community stakeholders that provide health services to humans
- Facilitate surveillance of diseases within the communities and provide prompt report to the PMU
- Provide vaccination to humans
- Provide information on trend of AMR in hospital set ups
- Liaise with DAHLD and Environmental officers on meat inspection and share data for continuous improvement of infectious and non-infectious agents’ surveillance
Ministry of
Forest and Natural Resources
The ministry of health shall be responsible for the generation information that shall be used as basis for follow up and investigation.
Most importantly
- It shall be responsible for the awareness of the community stakeholders that provide environmental health and hygiene services to humans
- Facilitate surveillance of contaminated water pints within the communities and provide prompt report to the PMU
- Facilitate observation of the presence of nuisance like bed bags, rats, houseflies within the community and the associated predisposing factors for proper intervention
- Observe the quality of water supply, water sources, stray dogs, strange behaviors of wild animals and pollution of air and water
- Provide information on trend of AMR in hospital set ups
- Liaise with DAHLD and ministry of health on meat inspection and share data for continuous improvement of infectious and non-infectious agents’ surveillance
- Provide strict measures to poor hygienic food facilities such as slaughter places, take a way premises, butcheries, markets, bus stages and prison areas
- Monitor use of herbicides and insecticides in crop fields such as horticulture products and livestock of food producing like dairy animals
International Collaborators
The program has two international
collaborators the ILRI and Edinburgh university which shall have specific roles
towards strengthening the implementation of the program.
(i) ILRI
Shall facilitate the building of
skills in conducting field based research in areas that require improvement of
the OH approach.
Also, it shall be involved in
- Organizing symposium with UN bodies of FAO, OIE, WHO
and UNEP
- Facilitate harmonization on the use of early indicators
of Arbovirus zoonoses outbreaks.
(ii) Edinburgh University
Shall facilitate the building of knowledge and skills in conducting OH training and establishment of National OH hub.
Also, it shall be involved in
- Development of OH curriculum for postgraduates
- Organize establishment of OH doctorate by research program
- Nn
- N
- To be completed - Webmaster
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